Fanfest is just around the corner!
EVE Fanfest 2015, the annual pilgrimage of capsuleers to the beautiful volcanic rock of Iceland to enjoy three full days of epic camaraderie, spacestuff and partying, is only three months away. In 2015, Fanfest is taking place slightly earlier and it coincides with the total solar eclipse on March 20th. Unless you are planning on being in the Faroe Islands, Iceland will be pretty much the best place in the world to experience it.
This Fanfest comes after another great year in New Eden, which is in no small part due to EVE’s new 5-6 week release cycle and additions like travel changes, Thera and more helping to supplement the ever-shifting metagame. All things internet spaceships will be at the core of Fanfest 2015, and with over 900 tickets sold already it’s going to be awesome.

We want you!
Much like our concept for the ‘This is EVE’ trailer, we want to put our players first at Fanfest and get the EVE community more involved in the event and in the spotlight itself. For the last few years we’ve had a few player presentations and have been quite happy with their high quality and reception. This time we would like to increase the number of player-run sessions to make the most of the variety, wisdom and hilarity our players can bring to the stage.
This does not mean we are replacing any developer presentations with community ones. There will just be a few more community ones mixed in to give attendees a wider range of programming from which to choose.

What are we looking for?
We are looking for EVE players who have something interesting to talk about and are willing to commit to making a presentation, hosting a roundtable, or organizing an external event.
For presentations, we are looking for three styles: full 45-minute sessions, shorter 10-20 minute ones and 5 minute “lighting talk”-style presentations. We are hoping to have one fully player-presented lighting talk session at which attendees would see between seven and ten players talk, each for only five or so minutes. For the rest we do not have a fixed number of slots to fill, it all depends on the proposals we get.
If you have a topic for a roundtable which isn’t part of the normal sessions, you can let us know if you want to host one.
In addition to the official CCP program, numerous player run events happen at and during Fanfest every year as part of the greater Fanfest “sandbox” or “metagame.” If you are hosting one and would like everyone to know about it, please let us know and we can help you get more visibility. We might also be able to help you get you in touch with venues and vendors to make an even better event. Your event has to be open to everyone and we can’t guarantee to advertise everything .
A prerequisite is that you’ve got to already be planning on coming to EVE Fanfest as we aren’t going to be supplementing airfare or passes for this effort. Maybe if you have a super genius idea for some remotely run event or content piece and the logistics work out we could entertain it. Feel free to send us an email!

How can you show your interest?
If you are interested in participating, send an e-mail to share@eveonline.com with the subject “Players at Fanfest” somewhere in the subject with the following information:
Real name and age
In game name
Type of event (presentation, roundtable, other)
Desired length of presentation
Brief summary of the content, why is it interesting and something that people want to come hear about
Any other information you think is relevant—perhaps a bit about yourself
The deadline for submitting your proposal for a presentation or a roundtable is Sunday January 11th. After this we will start locking down the schedule and require a full commitment from you to make good on your word. For external events you can let us know as soon as you have something concrete, the latest by end of February.
At this point we don’t want to commit to any specific number of slots or events, it all depends on the quality and quantity of proposals we get. Our goal is to build a well-balanced and interesting program for all participants.

Got Feedback?
We would also like to hear your thoughts about Fanfest in general. Was there something you especially liked the last few years? Is there something else you would like to see, perhaps from one of the player gatherings during the past year? What would you like to see improved and why? Leave us any comments in the comments thread of this blog and we will see what we can do.
Looking forward to hearing from you and see you at Fanfest!
– CCP Legion
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